Articulation and differences between academic writing and professional writing in a university technical career
academic writing, professional writing, academic genres, professional genres, technical careerAbstract
In this article, we present the results of a study whose objective was to describe the relationship -links and differences- between academic writing practices and professional writing practices in the Advanced University Technician course in Electromedicine. Theoretically, we rely on the concept of discursive gender from a social perspective (Bazerman, 2012, Miller, 1994, Russell 1997), and we based on qualitative research and (Goetz y LeCompté, 1988; Bernal, 2010) of exploratory and descriptive type (Taylor 1992, García, 2012), the participants were teachers, students, and a female student who was in and internship, and a technical professional. As instruments of data collection, we use the interview and the questionnaire. Although the findings indicate that the genres produced in the undergraduate program differ from the genres that circulate in the labor context, it does not exist a rupture, or a gap, between both contexts, since the practices and demands of academic writing, creates a useful link to learn and undertake the new practices and new genres in the workplace.
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