The Teacher Behaviors Checklist: Adaptation and psychometrics properties in Caribbean Colombian University Students
Teaching Evaluation, Teaching Excellence, Teacher Behaviors Checklist, Confirmatory Factor Analysis, University StudentsAbstract
The aim of this research was estimate the psychometric properties of an adaptation of the spanish version of the Teacher Behaviors Checklist or TBC in the Colombian university context, an instrument that measures teaching excellence in higher education. N = 398 students participated: 167 (41,96%) male and 231 (58,04%) female, from nine universities in the Colombian Caribbean. Three correlational studies were carried out using multivariate statistical data reduction techniques: in the first study, a Principal component analysis (PCA) was performed, which yielded six components and supported the first order model with two factors reported by the authors of the English language instrument. Considering the selection criteria of Lautenschlager (1989) around the magnitude of the eigenvalues ??for the first three factors, a second study was carried out using the Exploratory factor analysis (EFA) for unifactorial, bifactorial and trifactorial solutions, using as extraction method the maximum likelihood and Oblimin rotation. Only the uni-factorial solution adapted to the established parameters (l1 = 8,061; ?2x1 = 28,791%) for the first three factors under the assumption of eigenvalues greater than or equal to one ?. The factor was called “Ability for effective teaching and active learning (EEyAA)”. The third study reports the Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and shows partial adjustment of the unifactorial instrument to the theoretical model (RMSEA = 0,063). The final instrument was made up of 22 items. Cronbach's alpha value for this scale was high with a magnitude of ? = 0,901. It is concluded that the TBC is a valid instrument for the evaluation of teaching excellence by Colombian university students.
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