Teaching Literature in SFL: Approaches and Methodologies



teaching, literature, Spanish as a foreign language, approaches, linguistic competencies


This theoretical review essay examines the significance of literary discourse as a key pedagogical resource in teaching Spanish as a foreign language (SFL). It highlights its impact on the development of students' linguistic, cultural, emotional, and intellectual competencies. The primary objective is to explore the practices, methodologies, and theoretical approaches related to the use of literature in SFL instruction, positioning literary texts as the central axis of integrated activities. Throughout the discussion, the evolution of the main methodological approaches in this field is analyzed, underscoring the importance of integrating literature to foster a deeper understanding of the Spanish language and Hispanic culture.




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2025-01-24 — Updated on 2025-01-28


How to Cite

Abidi, Y. (2025). Teaching Literature in SFL: Approaches and Methodologies. Cuaderno De Pedagogía Universitaria, 22(43), 163–179. Retrieved from https://cuaderno.pucmm.edu.do/index.php/cuadernodepedagogia/article/view/651 (Original work published January 24, 2025)