or the degree in arquitecture in the Pontificia Universidad Católica Madre y Maestra
TUNINGAL project, competency-based education, specific competencies, arquitectureAbstract
This article presents the results on the Evaluation of the specific competencies for the architecture degree in the Pontificia Universidad Católica Madre y Maestra (PUCMM) as defined by the Tuning Latin America (TUNINGAL) project. This educational project emerged as a necessity of the Department of Architecture of transforming the traditional teaching and learning model into a competency-based one. The methodology used was participatory action research. Data was gathered through focus groups in both campuses. The results of this research identified the specific competencies for a degree in architecture in the context of PUCMM, the achievement levels for each competency, and the competencies distribution in the curriculum. The results also yielded the need to redefine, based on a competencies approach, the architecture graduate profile and the syllabi that make up the architecture degree study plan.
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