How do secondary education pedagogy students become teachers in Chile?
teacher training, professional practice, previous experiences, theory-practice relationshipAbstract
Initial teacher training is a challenge that every society assumes as a commitment to quality with future generations. This article reports on the part of a research carried out in the Pedagogy Program in Secondary Education (Rittershaussen, 2015), which includes the construction of professional teacher knowledge, through the processes of initial and professional practice, from the experiences of Its participants, both students, and supervisors. Specifically, the impact of previous experiences and the relation between practical and theory in the construction of this knowledge, as experienced by students, are addressed. This research is developed from a qualitative perspective, and its approach is based on the interpretative paradigm, uses a case study methodology and focuses mainly on the collection of data through interviews and reports (logs). For the analysis phase of the data and the construction of categories, the design of the grounded theory was followed. The findings related to part of the research outlined in this article show a complex process that reassesses previous experiences, the importance of teacher modeling, the theory-practice relationship and the value of close accompaniment. Other results illuminate the critical role of teaching planning, pupils' difficulties in "crossing borders," and the relationship between school - teacher guide - students in practice - supervisor teacher - university. Realistic approach, close monitoring, and reflection appear as keys to improve processes.
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