Socio-emotional competencies in pre-service teachers’ professional identity
Socio-emotional competencies, professional identities, teacher education, teacher training program.Abstract
Socio-emotional competencies are a crucial element in teaching training. In this context, the aim is to analyze pre-service teachers’ perceptions about these competencies in the process of building their professional identities. A mixed methodology was used with a particular focus on sequential exploratory and descriptive techniques. The qualitative component considers documentary analysis and in-depth interviews to identify and categorize the perceptions about socioemotional skills. The quantitative component was carried out by applying and analyzing the Trait Meta-Mood Scale (TMMS24) test -in its validated version in Spanish- and administered to all pre-service teachers of the 2020 cohort. The results obtained from concurrent data point out that socio-emotional competencies may be linked to diverse experiences and beliefs that could either foster or hinder professional performance in the classroom. Implications for teacher training are further discussed.
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