Student writing at the beginning of the Forest Engineering career. What do the specialist teachers say?
academic writing, new student income, university teachersAbstract
The results of an investigation are presented whose purposes were: first, to analyze the considerations and teaching actions on the writing of the students of the first and second year of the undergraduate degree in Forest Engineering and second, to determine to what extent they help the disciplinary incorporation of the students. From a social perspective of academic writing and following the assumptions of academic literacy, a qualitative research of an interpretive nature was undertaken and the participants were 8 professors of the career to whom a semi-structured interview was applied; data analysis followed the Grounded Theory method. The findings revealed that the student writing of the first two years is subject to the considerations of the teachers, for whom the writing has a predominantly evaluative objective, which dismisses the epistemic and rhetorical functions in the production of access discursive genres such as the report; they also have a perception of students' writing based on deficit, this leads to the deployment of non-interactive and dialogical actions, which results in students going through this formative stage without explicit support.
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