Systematization of experience on critical reading strategies in the class of Written Communication and Reading Processes CEPLEC – UNIMINUTO
critical reading, audiovisual language, critical thinking, argumentation, interculturalityAbstract
The students arrive at higher education with deficiencies in reading, writing and oral processes that minimize taking a stand against texts and contexts; therefore, use didactic strategies that allow strengthening these processes. The present systematization of experiences was developed through of the Written Communication and Reading Processes class (CEPLEC). Whose central objective revolves around a pedagogical reflection of critical reading processes that are supported by audiovisual language and allow students to strengthen their critical-argumentative thinking to apply interculturality. This study is framed in a cualitative descriptive methodology through the collection of data from an application survey and its subsequent interpretation. Among the results obtaind, it is important to highlight that CEPLEC classes are being perceived by teachers and students as an academic space that promotes the development of critical thinking thanks to the confrontation of texts with proposed scenarios on social and cultural realities.
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