Incorporation of the 2030 Agenda in a Business Strategies course: Results of a teaching experience


  • Marjorie Morales Casetti Universidad de La Frontera



sustainability, business strategies, 2030 Agenda, industrial engineering, engineering teaching


Given that the current economic model is one of the causes of the Earth's ecological overdraft -which in 2022 occurred on July 28- companies are required to seek to create benefits not only economically, but also socially and environmental. To achieve this, updating the professional training programs of those who will lead the organizations of the future is essential. In this line, since 2020 a course was updated to incorporate the sustainability approach in the training of industrial engineers at the University of La Frontera, with the general objective of analyzing the results obtained by the students in a teaching experience that incorporates the sustainability approach in a business strategies course. The specific objectives are: i) describe the teaching experience, ii) measure the student’s perception of in relation to their motivation, the learning achieved and the comprehensive training obtained; and iii) analyze the achievement of learning outcomes related to the 2030 Agenda. The methodology used was action research through which a course of business strategies was innovated and implemented during the year 2021. Based on this experience, the syllabus was comparatively analyzed before and after the innovation, descriptive statistics were used to interpret the results of a student satisfaction survey and the contribution to the 2030 Agenda made by the students in their reports was qualitatively assessed. From the experience it is concluded that the students value ??the experience positively and that it is possible to incorporate the sustainable vision and generate guidelines, from a teaching experience, so that companies adjust their strategies towards sustainability.



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Author Biography

Marjorie Morales Casetti, Universidad de La Frontera

Ingeniera Industrial por la Universidad de La Frontera, Chile; Doctora en Ciencias Sociales mención Ciencias Políticas por FLACSO México. Docente e investigadora del Departamento de Ingeniería Industrial y de Sistemas desde 2011. Para contactar a la autora: 



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How to Cite

Morales Casetti, M. . (2023). Incorporation of the 2030 Agenda in a Business Strategies course: Results of a teaching experience. Cuaderno De Pedagogía Universitaria, 20(40), 8–18.