Miniature theater as a strategy to work on writing in initial teacher training: perceptions of Chilean university students
Lambe Lambe Theatre, writing, writing models, initial teacher trainingAbstract
This article seeks to identify the perception that students of Pedagogy in Basic Education and Pedagogy in English of a regional public university have regarding the application of miniature theater as a strategy to work on writing. The purpose of the activity is related to exercising and working on writing by making a Lambe Lambe theater. The research is qualitative, descriptive, cross-sectional and exploratory. The sample corresponds to 12 theaters carried out by 37 students of both careers, in addition to the application of an entry and exit questionnaire. The results show that, previously, the respondents have occasionally used this resource and, despite this there is a positive assessment in the use and making of the miniature theater. However, before production, various concerns are noted that are related to the impact that learning with this new methodology can generate on the student body. The projections have to do with the application of miniature theater in various subjects and for various contents, as well as the detailed study of creativity in this context.
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