Emotional competencies and their relationship with effective leadership: an approach from directors in the Dominican Republic





Educational management, competencies, emotional intelligence, leadership


Emotional competencies in all areas have a significant value because they favor better decision making. In the context of academic management, these skills are fundamental variables for the correct management of pedagogical and administrative processes, as well as for the development of effective leadership. Therefore, the present study was developed with the objective of establishing the relationship between emotional competencies and effective leadership of school principals, in order to implement a development program based on emotional intelligence to strengthen the skills considered deficient. The research was designed in a quantitative approach with a quasi-experimental design, to determine the correlation between the variables mentioned and the influence of the training program for the development of emotional skills in female principals. A stratified and intentional sample was chosen, which consisted of 8 school principals and 201 teachers from different regions of the Dominican Republic. To obtain the data, a questionnaire was developed to be applied to each type of population (principals and teachers) with 91 items on an adverbial and numerical scale, with two versions of Daniel Goleman's map of emotional competencies.  Two evaluations were carried out with an 8-week formative intervention to reinforce the competencies that were below the expected range.


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How to Cite

Suriel, A. J., & Escalante, J. L. (2024). Emotional competencies and their relationship with effective leadership: an approach from directors in the Dominican Republic. Cuaderno De Pedagogía Universitaria, 21(41), 52–63. https://doi.org/10.29197/cpu.v21i41.550