Structural Model of the Relationships between Teaching in Technological Contexts and Academic Performance in Accounting
blended modality, performance, technological tools, modelAbstract
The relevance of the relationships between teaching modality, use of technology and academic performance, is given by its impact on the human development, its importance on the public agenda and, at the same time, the scientific vacancy and the local transcendence of this topic. Accordingly, the aim of this research is to propose a model, achieved through the statistical technique of covariance structures, that reflects how and to what extent teaching through multimedia materials is linked to the academic performance of university students. The institutional anchoring has enabled the random extraction of the accepting sample which consisted of 118 students (60.17% women), M = 21.08 years, (SD = 3.76), who attended classes at the School of Economic Sciences of the National Northeastern University, Argentina, in 2017. The methodological design is mainly explicative, quasi-experimental and descriptive by means of survey, predominantly a quantitative line study. The development of the research allows to propose a theoretical model that is contrasted at the empirical level, giving rise to a representation adjusted to the data. In this figure it is possible to observe the influence and richness of the blended learning modality in the disciplinary formation of the students, in a subject of the accounting area.
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