TIC to teach. Also in Mathematics?
information and communication technology (TIC), didactic, math, digital resources, teachersAbstract
This work proposes a bibliographical review on the publications that deal with TIC in specialized magazines in the study of the didactics of mathematics during the period 2015-2019. The aim is to identify which TIC tools and resources are proposed within the educational field as the most appropriate for teaching-learning according to the Mathematics. Likewise, it seeks to identify the main lines of work and the educational use of TIC. The results show that the main advantages are enabling student motivation and facilitating the achievement of meaningful learning. As inconveniences for its use, the lack of material means, the training of the teaching staff, together with the scarcity of time are pointed out. It concludes by pointing out the most useful digital resources for teaching in the opinion of the research reviewed and with a proposal for the incorporation of other tools favorable to inclusion and the development of digital competence.
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