Aesthetic experience during the pandemic. Learning based on the literary coffee challenge in UNIMINUTO (Colombia)


  • Jonathan Caicedo Girón UNIMINUTO
  • Diego Landinez Guio UNIMINUTO



Literature, reading, writing, challenge-based learning, Colombia


The Literary Café is a project created in the second semester of 2017 at the Minuto de Dios University in Colombia, specifically, in the Regional Center, Soacha, a municipality near Bogotá D.C., with the aim of forming a working group interested in literature and the manifestations of thought that are generated from the word, poetry and literary discourse. in order to form a working group interested in literature and the manifestations of thought that are generated from the word, poetry and literary discourse. The objective of this study is to refer the experience of the project in its face-to-face and virtual modalities, whose emphasis is to combine art and literature for the comprehensive training of students and show the relevance of maintaining this type of space in the university. Methodologically, the research is approached from a praxeological perspective that enables the integration between the educational proposal and the practice. The approach used is Challenge Based Learning, as a disruptive trend that allows a line of work to be drawn in order to achieve a specific company. The concerns that were raised about the permanence of this pedagogical experience and a reflection is elaborated on the value of literature in human formation, so this pedagogical practice has become a refuge, a home to inhabit the word, but above all things, he has now proposed to contribute to make life more enjoyable in times of crisis, as Friedrich Hölderlin would have already mentioned.


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Author Biographies

Jonathan Caicedo Girón, UNIMINUTO

Magister en Estudios Literarios de la Universidad Santo Tomás, donde también es tutor en la Licenciatura en Literatura y Lengua Castellana en el C.A.U, Facatativá. Coordinador académico de la Licenciatura en Humanidades y Lengua Castellana de UNIMINUTO.

Diego Landinez Guio, UNIMINUTO

Magíster en Filosofía de la Universidad Nacional, historiador de la misma universidad y filósofo de la Universidad Libre. Docente de la Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios- Uniminuto, en la Unidad Transversal de CEPLEC.


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How to Cite

Caicedo Girón, J., & Landinez Guio, D. (2021). Aesthetic experience during the pandemic. Learning based on the literary coffee challenge in UNIMINUTO (Colombia). Cuaderno De Pedagogía Universitaria, 18(36), 104–114.