Literary gathering in UNIMINUTO. Pedagogical experiences of reading aloud and creative writing enjoyment with university students




literature, literature gatherings, reading aloud, reading promotion


Literature, philosophy and reading aloud are amalgamated in the literary gathering space of the Bachelor's degree program in Humanities and Spanish Language of the Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios - UNIMINUTO, implemented since the first semester of 2022, at the Bogotá campus. The "tertulias" are born out of a latent concern for the growing apathy in the exercise of learning; in particular, towards the development of writing skills, reading and literary knowledge. In this article we propose to relate the experience of implementation of this pedagogical strategy, in order to reflect on how it has allowed to promote the pleasure of reading and writing in the students of Letters and other attendees to the meetings. It is intended to carry out a theoretical deepening of extracurricular pedagogy, of the role of academic work outside the classroom to give way to a reflection on pedagogical practice, with a praxeological approach that allows the generation and development of critical thinking. It could be concluded that this space has generated a sense of belonging in its attendees and the motivation to be an active part of the process through literary creation. The participants have evidenced their discursive competencies on stage through the reading aloud of their own literary productions.


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How to Cite

Caicedo Girón, J., Ortega Castillo, J. P., Díaz González, J. A., Landinez Guio, D. A., & Lozano Herrera, E. (2024). Literary gathering in UNIMINUTO. Pedagogical experiences of reading aloud and creative writing enjoyment with university students. Cuaderno De Pedagogía Universitaria, 21(41), 102–114.