Teacher induction: Study of the perceptions of educators involved in pedagogical mentoring processes during the pandemic
New teachers, teacher induction, trainers of trainers, pedagogical supportAbstract
This article explores the purposeful development of relationships of care and support, or pedagogical accompaniment, that developed between in-service teacher trainers and their mentees, new middle and high school teachers. This study was carried out during the 2019-2020 academic year. The framework used in this study is based on a phenomenological qualitative design. This design allowed the authors of this piece to explore in-depth the experiences and perceptions of both the new middle school and high school teachers and also their mentors during the new teacher induction phase. The participants of this study included middle school teachers who had recently graduated from a Uruguayan teacher training institute and teacher educators who helped to design and implement the program. Data was collected through surveys and semi-structured interviews. Analysis of the data indicated that new teachers in general and especially during a pandemic valued and needed the mentorship/pedagogical accompaniment that was provided. Additionally, the study brought to light the necessity to purposefully plan for and to develop relationships of care between new teachers and their mentors. This also indicated the need to make sure that teacher trainers are equipped to with strategies and skills needed to guide new teachers as they enter the profession.
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